
Speech L.O.F.T. - Speech & Language Oriented Family Teamwork - is a private practice in Belmont, CA that provides family-inclusive speech and language services to address the communicative needs of children and adults.

While Speech L.O.F.T no longer offers individual speech therapy on-site, individuals with communicative disorders and their families can still have access to a variety of related services by contacting Renata Tabellion directly at renata@tabellion.org or (650) 245-1232. 

Available services and supports include speech and language consultations, parent and caregiver life & wellness coaching, IEP support, and ASD/ABA home program collaborations. To learn more, please click here.                                                                                                                                                     

Speech L.O.F.T.         1049A Alameda de las Pulgas          Belmont, CA         94002         Renata Tabellion, M.S., SLP-CCC         CA License# 13490


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